We are moving along in the adoption process! It feels incredibly good to be done with the paperwork and to feel like things are finally happening! In case you aren’t aware, we are in the processing of adopting a child from China. We started the process a year and a half ago, and I cannot believe it’s been that long. The paperwork took us a lot longer than is typical because we had issues with our health insurance.
We handed in our finished dossier (paperwork for China) to our adoption agency on June 13 and it was sent to China on July 8. It was logged into China’s system on July 17 and we got a notice that it was finished being translated yesterday. There are many important steps that the paperwork goes through, and it’s amazing to have some of these steps completed.
The next step is for our agency to match us with a child. After we are matched and we accept the referral, the wait is 4-6 months until we travel to bring him home. So that’s where we currently are in the process.
While we are waiting for our little boy, we are raising money for our adoption expenses which will total around $35,000. We have been so appreciative of the support we have received so far! It has been so cool to see how God has been working things out.
I still have t-shirts and prints available in my Etsy shop and all proceeds go to our adoption fund.
My friend Wanda also has these gorgeous necklaces in her shop and 20% of the proceeds will go toward our fund.
Adoption is such a journey. It’s unpredictable and full of “what ifs”. But we are trusting that God knows what He is doing and has everything under His control. What a comfort that is!