Things have been really busy in the shop the past few weeks, and it’s been a challenge getting everything done that needs to be done. In other words, the house needs to be cleaned, the fridge is pretty empty, and the flower beds outside desperately need attention. But despite all that, I found time to repaint the hallways and stairway last week (painting totally comes before cleaning and groceries, am I right??).
The color had been a pretty green that I liked but just got tired of. Here is my clean slate in the stairway. The colors is Brushed Cotton by Valspar and I LOVE it. I’ll share more details later.
On Friday my sister, two sisters-in-law, and I are road-tripping to North Carolina to meet The Nester and her sister Emily at their Hopeologie event! And I am BEYOND. I’ve followed The Nester’s blog since the beginning and am a huge fan of Emily’s books, especially her latest one.
And the bonus will be spending time with the girls in my family. It doesn’t get much better. Seriously, I’m not a giddy person but I’m a little bit giddy about it.
Violet turned four last week. FOUR. My baby is not a baby any more. I am soaking her in. I love this age and HER. Of course, it’s not all perfect and there are fits and tears and messes, but snuggling with her makes it all worth it. I could hold her all day long and she would be in her glory. She’s a funny combination of laid-back, introverted, curious, creative, and she LOVES to help take care of kids younger than her. Ever since she’s been very young, I’ve known that she was made to be a big sister.
It’s time to dive into a new week! We have school conferences this week, so no school on Thursday or Friday. Yay for spending our days in jammies and laid-back mornings! And hopefully getting lots of work done too!