nester11 This weekend was filled to the brim with inspiration! In so many different ways. My sister, sisters-in-law and I drove 8.5 hrs south to Midland, NC to be a part of the Hopeologie event put on by The Nester, Emily, and their families. We were SO excited to meet these sisters and see the beautiful barn where the event took place.

And it was worth the drive. Big time. In typical Nester fashion, the barn was decorated with bits and pieces of random things (hanging hammocks on a wall! pure genius!) that all came together to create a beautiful, inspirational space. These pics were all taken with iPhones so excuse the quality.
nester7 Each family spoke on a different topic, and it was amazing how relevant their words were to the things going on in my life. It was as if they knew exactly what I needed to hear that day.nester9 nester15 nester12 nester4 I gave Nester and Emily each a sign I created.nester17The restroom was conveniently located in Nester’s office so we “had to use the bathroom” quite a bit. And we may have drooled over her lamps. And I sat in her office chair and pretended to be her. I’m cool like that. No big deal.
nester Collage1 nester Collage2 So much beauty. There were around 40 people at the event and after we listened to the speakers, we worked on a craft (the beads and tassels from the top left photo). Then we had soup and cornbread and kept warm around the bonfire outside.nester8 nester Collage3 nester10It was such a lovely event and so fun to spend that time with the girls in my family. What an amazing time we had. The event was filled with HOPE, and I came away feeling inspired and challenged.

Aimee Weaver
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