This week was spent doing a lot of organizing in our house to get it ready to put on the market! It’s so exciting but nervewracking at the same time! We are still working on some small projects, touch-up painting, etc. before it’s ready. We were waiting on zoning approvals on the property we signed a contract for and just found out we got all the approvals we need! I’ll share more about the process next week! I don’t deal that well with major change, and we have a lot of change going on in our family this year, so it’s been stressful at times, but it will be worth it!
School starts next week. Eeeek!! On one hand, I know my kids are ready for more structure and a schedule, but on the other hand, it means that summer is just about gone. I’m trying to soak in as much of the sunshine and laid-back feeling as possible right now.Here are some links you may want to check out //
This CNN story on China’s abandoned children had me in tears.
And oldie but goodie post from Jen Hatmaker about being the worst end of summer mom ever.
Secret to chalkboard calligraphy from Magnolia blog.