It’s once again time for a mindless blog post where I share what’s happening in my life currently…
LOOKING FORWARD TO // this weekend and an actual date night on the calendar. This hasn’t happened for many months and is much-needed.
LISTENING TO // The Piano Guys on Pandora. Because when my head is spinning with so many things to work on, I need background music that settles me down.
TRYING TO // take care of myself. My life is so busy right now with taking care of four kids, a new house, and a busy season with the shop, so I usually (always) put myself on the back burner. This video is a good reminder that I have a responsibility to make myself a priority.
WORKING ON // some new products for the shop! Teaser…it’s not signs! Stay tuned.
ENJOYING // my new studio. It has big windows and the light is just glorious compared to my old studio. I love it.
USING // Uni-ball Signo pens in medium point. I go through a ton of these and they are my favorite pens.
GETTING USED TO // driving all the time. Because we now live farther away from things (family, friends, stores, school), I feel like I’m constantly in the car. On the positive side, we live in a BEAUTIFUL countryside, and it always inspires me to watch the landscape go by.
NEEDING TO // paint more rooms in the house. The entire upstairs needs to be painted, and I just can’t seem to squeeze in the time. Although this week I did do some decorating and hung curtains in the family room. Progress! I’ll share more details on that room soon.
WEARING // these rain boots. Almost constantly. I feel like such a farm girl.
Have a great weekend friends!