I have a really terrible long-term memory. I can’t tell you who my third grade teacher was. Or how we celebrated New Years Eve last year. Or how much my kids’ weighed when they were born. In fact, I can barely remember their birth dates. I know.
Enter this really great app I found through Elise’s podcast, and I have been using it for about three weeks now. It is genius.
It’s called One Second Every Day. The creator of the app talks about it in this TED Talk. Basically, you record small snippets of video on your phone every day, then you can use the app to create short videos to capture what daily life is like.
Here is a short clip (one second every day) of the last few weeks in our life…
I set a timer on my phone every day, so that I remember to take a super short video. This is an awesome little way to remember small (and big) moments that happen during my days! And even though I have a terrible memory, these little videos will capture a snippet of what is going on in our life so that I can remember them for years down the road. And trust me, I need all the help I can get.
You can find the app here.